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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

TTT2 Evo Notes

First of all I would like to say thank you to Namco Bandai for bringing the Comic-Con build of TTT2 and then updating it to the Evo build.

Here are some stuff I can remember from the top of my head:
-Tag Assault works by hitting the tag button immediately after a bound move.
-If your partner's life bar begins flashing white this means your partner can perform a momentum breaker by pressing 2+tag. In my experience this is useful in getting out of corners because this your partner will come in a slight angle. Also your partner will tag in while performing a diving knee like move.
-You can now pick team chreddy (christie/eddie). I saw Q Dogg using this team during the weekend. Also you can do the same thing with the bears.
-Jun seems like a mix with Anna and Asuka according to Blood Hawk. Jun still has her Kazama fighting style but now it seems like she has a stance(s) now similar to Anna's b+3 stance. It has auto low parry and has a throw reversal just like Anna's b+3.
-King's cd+4 causes a full knock down now instead of a techable back crumple.
-Jaycee has an iSW while paired with Armor King(?). Also she replaces Julia in the character select screen because she is Julia. There's a rumor going around that her 3 player outfit has her without a mask on
-They took out Ganryu's df+4 kick. It is now a knee that's a start of a new string. Sop its df+4,1,2. The 1 is a high and is jab punishable.
-Devil transformation is now ub+1+2(Evo Build) now instead of 1+3+4(SDCC Build).

Ill add more as I remember stuff.

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